Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Radio Wednesday: ALWAYS
Always loved, always forgiven, always with us.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever... (Heb 13:8)
Thank you Jesus.
Doughnut Wednesdays (Jeff Probst Show)
"Learn our ABC"s" (Robert Duvall as the Apostle)
We all have trouble in the car (Amy & Ken)
Wildflowers (Tom Petty)
"When God gave the law He didn't mean outward; He meant it inward where it all begins" (Joseph Prince)
11th commandment (Robert Duvall as The Apostle)
Stop hankering after the self... your self is hopeless (Joseph Prince)
"The real you is now at the Father's right hand"
As He is, so are we in this world. (1 John 4:17)
Wildflowers (Tom Petty)
"This is going to make the devil so stinkin' mad when I tell you this... are you ready?" (Joyce Meyer)
("donkeys in ditches and pooing dogs")
stubborn & dumb (zoey magnolia)
"Been Caught Stealing" (Jane's Addiction)
"He whom God has sent speaketh the words of God." (Robert Duvall as "The Apostle")
"For the word of God is ... sharper than any double edged sword." (Heb 4:12-13)
"God loves you, your sins are forgiven, He's with you all the time,...." (Joyce Meyer)
"I don't have that much love in me..... but God does." (Robert Duvall as the Apostle)
Hallelujah (Joseph Prince)
Wednesday, May 08, 2013
Radio Wednesday: For Sirius XM
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Radio Wednesday: JAZZ

Amy, Ken and River have lots of fun brainstorming a new name for our jazzy friend Steve and his Boston based jazz blog:
Monday, January 16, 2012
Radio Wednesday: MLKjr.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Radio Wednesday: FRUIT

Wednesday, January 04, 2012
Radio Wednesday: WOMEN

Ken and Amy discuss the first time River (now age 6) realized the anatomical difference between girls and boys.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Radio Wednesday: HAYSTACK

Amy, Ken and 6 year old River act goofy while we discuss baby Jesus on Christmas Eve.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Radio Wednesday: SMILE

Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Radio Wednesday: BIO-WRANGLER

enjoy :)
intro - welcome to wednesday:
"the wizard of menlo park" (chumbawamba)
dis-associated press (bugs bunny)
somebody's wrangling with a bio (amy & byron)
"the apprentice" (donald trump & applicants)
bio-wrangler part 2 (amy & byron)
(wayne dyer) :
"we raise our children often to believe that what's most important is what other people think of you, ... fit in, do what you've been told to do, do what the crowd does ... so we take on all of these sort of false ideas and we have a tendency to believe them..."
bio-wrangler part 3 (amy & byron)
rebelling against all these cultural ways of defining ourselves
who cares who i am anyway?
brokeback family (amy, ken, shuggie)
indy-pen-dent dentist (rudolf and hermey in "rudolph the red nosed reindeer")
make the irritating neediness work for you (amy & byron)
"middle man" (jack johnson)
the haves and the have-nots
"be the change you wish to see in the world" (Ghandi quote; ken & amy)
"carry on" (crosby, stills, nash & young)
quick, sum it up ("zoey & ken)
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Radio Wednesday : FREEDOM

produced by ken and amy
Listen to this podcast HERE:
warning: some adult language
photo by ken
wednesday is anything can happen day (angel heart) 00:00
freedom medley: 00:05
redemption song (bob marley) / the red telephone (love) / help me (joni mitchell) / the crystal ship (doors) / freedom (richie havens) / freedom (jimi hendrix) / freedom 90 (george michael) / think (aretha franklin) / everybody wants to rule the world (tears for fears) / don't dream it's over (crowded house) / desperado (eagles) / me and bobbie mcgee (janis joplin) / i'm free (who) / and when i die (laura nyro) / disappear (inxs) / spanish bombs (clash) / sing our own song (ub40) / walk on (u2) / fly like an eagle (steve miller band) / blowin' in the wind (bob dylan) / redemption song (bob marley) / guinnevere (crosby stills & nash) / if you love somebody set them free (sting) / free (donovan frankenreiter) / i'm free (soup dragons) / ain't nobody (chaka khan) / america (neil diamond) / power of goodbye (madonna) / beautiful loved and blessed (prince & tamar) / let robeson sing (manic street preachers) / allentown (billy joel)
timo on freedom (ken and tim) 03:44
everybody wants to rule the world (tears for fears) 06:03
free from the heaviness (amy & marcia at tivon) 06:42
you're so vain intro (carly simon) 07:35
you don't have any secret dark thoughts? (amy & ken) 07:54
you're so vain outro (carly simon) 08:18
free from fear of cutting my hair (amy & byron) 08:26
boundin' (bud luckey) 11:09
free from fear of cutting my hair 2 (amy & byron) 11:26
da ya think i'm sexy? (rod stewart) 15:08
free from a sense of urgency (amy & ken) 16:22
hollywood (madonna) 18:14
free from distractions, bobbles, and trinkets (amy & ken) 19:09
muskrat love (america) 20:04
mysterious and snuggly muskrat love (amy & byron) 20:29
the chops and waggles show / sharing the spotlight (zoey & leo) 24:13
free from having to compare & compete (joyce meyer) 26:20
applesauce pancakes (amy) 26:37
free to have limits & free of the need to impress others (joyce meyer) 27:16
free from people who tax my senses (amy & selina) 27:51
free from caring what people think (joyce meyer) 28:52
da diggy donk donk (ask) 29:00
FURK: it's not work if you have fun (ask) 29:56
what will you do with that freedom? (braveheart) 31:17
oh those pictures are so beautiful (amy & ken) 31:29

free to ride our machines (the wild angels) 33:13
revolution (the beatles) 33:27
road to freedom (g.w. bush) 33:42
what you're talking about is bondage not freedom (dr. robin) 33:51
free your mind/revolution (the beatles) 34:12
free from fearing forces of darkness (ask) 34:32
sunday shining (finley quaye) 36:36
i'm scared (ask) 37:29
fear no evil /sunday shining (finley quaye) 37:40
free from the illusion that i am my meatsuit (amy & byron) 38:00
our house (madness) 38:38
free from dusty clutter (amy & ken) 38:50
brian & robert (phish) 40:34
free to reform rearrange & readjust (amy & ken) 41:21
in the sun (joseph arthur) 43:19
free to cooperate (amy & ken) 45:15
free to confront (joyce meyer) 48:13
everybody gets what they've got coming (amy & ken) 48:32
spinning wheel (blood sweat and tears) 49:37
free from addiction, self pity, and rage (joyce meyer) 50:02
learning where we are not free 1 (amy & selina) 50:27
free to trust God completely (joyce meyer) 54:11
learning where we are not free 2 (amy & selina) 55:26
freedom is self control (joyce meyer) 55:50
learning where we are not free 3 (amy & selina) 55:54
beautiful boy (john lennon) 59:37
mattie's final words (amy & byron) 60:06
beginnings (chicago) 64:32
was i dreaming that? (zoey & leo) 69:11
total time: 69:22

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Radio Wednesday : FAITH

produced by ken and amy
photo by ken
title: guiding light
table of contents & credits:
intro: wednesday's slave (addams family values) 00:00
faith (george michael) 00:20
timo on faith (tim and ken) 01:01
if i ever lose my faith in you (sting) 03:33
suspend disbelief (ken and tim) 03:54
if i ever lose my faith in you (sting) 04:26
we don't know what we're doin (trust me) 05:06
a little less conversation (chris daughtry) 05:15
the junk on our shelves (dr. michael roizen) 05:35
give us your huddled masses and we'll give them potted meat (ask) 05:44
lean on me (bill withers) 07:38
it's spider season (amy and byron) 09:07
queen bee (a star is born) 13:17
spider season continues (amy and byron) 13:59
that's all right (elvis presley) 14:17
i dyed my hair today (amy and ken) 14:46
mojo (u2) 15:22
sexy grit streak (amy and ken) 15:44
it's the way i feel (remy shand) 17:27
walk thirty minutes a day (dr. michael roizen) 18:47
i might like tennis shoes that look like my toothbrush (amy and ken) 19:03
special needs (the naked chef) 21:35
i love you, God (selina and amy) 21:40
love is the answer (england dan and john ford coley) 22:57
i am complete in Him (amy and byron) 24:02
tribute (tenacious d) 25:33
i don't know what i'm upset about (amy and byron) 26:06
all aboard (toy boat) 27:09
circle of friends (edie brickell & new bohemians) 27:15
when people disappear it pushes my abandonment button (amy and selina) 28:00
even now (barry manilow) 28:29
i've been getting the icing and not the real cake of love (amy and selina) 28:59
hearts and bones (paul simon) 31:48
stop making up stories (amy and selina) 32:20
here's where the story ends (sundays) 34:11
when i read these glib words to me i feel pain (amy and selina) 34:28
airbag (radiohead) intermittent 35:47 / 36:30 / 37:08 / 37:53
Lord you need to transform this in me because i can't do it by myself (amy and selina) 38:01
nothing fails (madonna) 40:17
i'm in a pit (amy and selina) 42:00
free from bondage (joyce meyer) 42:38
free (donovan frankenreiter) 43:04
a punching bag, some bongos and a beret (amy and byron) 44:13
cinco de mayo song: ay yi yi yi (amy) 45:25
i was wanting her to own up to some bit of responsibility for my pain (amy and selina) 45:41
miracles (jefferson starship) 46:34
i understimated myself (survivor) 47:35
i'd try to catch crabs (amy and ken) 47:47
down under (men at work) 48:13
i think it's some kind of paste you get down under (zoey and leo) 48:24
down under (men at work) 49:04
rocky gets dressed (amy, shuggie, ken) 49:15
gonna fly now (bill conti) 50:30 / 51:03
gimmie more (ask) 51:38
total time: 51:48
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Radio Wednesday : TRUTH

produced by ken & amy
digital photo by ken
title: the dancers
contents/credits (copywrited material in pink )
sweet creme wednesdays... (alicia keys)
the truth with timo (ken & tim)
truth medley
loud tv really causes me distress (amy & byron)
golden (jill scott)
i don't really want to have pain in my feet today (amy& shuggie)
golden (jill scott)
a golden moment (amy & ken & shuggie)
golden (jill scott)
what did God say when you asked him why? (amy & byron)
what is this situation here to teach me about myself? (oprah)
bono is lonely (amy & byron)
so lonely (the police)
giggle-boo-boo-boo (shuggie & grammy & ken)
do your eyes light up when they walk into the room? (oprah)
you no like closed doors... (amy & ken & shuggie)
grace (u2) no like scary music (amy & ken & shuggie)
wonka, you've gone far enough! (willy wonka/gene wilder)
cross of changes (enigma)
sweet lullaby (deep forest)
we're afraid we won't have enough for ourselves (dell)
no woman no cry (bob marley)
thanks bob... i think cuss too much (amy & ken & shuggie)
you've got to grab the audience by the... (rod stewart on american idol)
she's already a little monkey (amy)
neighborhood (david byrne)
big girls don't need binkies (zoey)
people need some hugs (amy & byron)
interupting cow (ken & amy)
a horse with no name (america)
gonna go see some horses (amy & ken & shuggie)
a horse with no name (america)
they shock horses don't they? (amy & ken & shuggie)
a horse with no name (america)
teeny signs (amy & ken & shuggie)
a horse with no name (america)
you are being tested (amy & ken)
lebanese blond (thievery corp)
why don't we just listen back and see what the truth is (amy & ken)
be careful of what you say (cnn)
my inner finger wagger is hurting my relationships (amy & ken)
ice cream (sarah mclaughlin)
feedback is helpful (amy & byron)
america respects honesty (simon cowell)
i'm being tested right now (amy & byron)
take it easy (eagles)
(holy moses) ok we've gotta rewind it and hear it again (zoey)
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Radio Wednesday : COURAGE

produced, edited, and created by ken and amy
To listen to this podcast go HERE:
photo by ken
title : pearl & silver
this show is about naming our fears and finding courage to be ourselves. ok, maybe not actually finding it... maybe just seeking it ... seeking courage... and understanding.... and peace.... and joy...
we've been told that those who seek shall find....
special thanks to:
iyanla vanzant (
jodi, lisa, & kelly (starting over)
alina ever (
& daphne tiplady
ladies, your courage helps us all!
table of contents (copywrited material in purple)
hump day (boston legal) 00:00
courage (wizard of oz) 00:02
you get the courage after (three kings) 00:41
eminence front part 1 (who) 00:48
swallowing fear (ken & tim) 01:26
eminence front part 2 (who) 01:58
happy birthday stacy! (amy & ken) 02:43
pictures of you (cure) 05:06
em-bare-assed (amy & ken) 05:38
fearballs 1 (starting over) 06:27
alina is no longer afraid of.... (amy & ken & shuggie) 07:02
let your soul be your pilot 1 (sting) 09:47
fearballs 2 (starting over) 10:07
let your soul be your pilot 2 (sting) 10:55
please slow down >>>>>>> we love our pets and kids (amy & byron)
sara (fleetwood mac) 12:06
birdies & baby's breath (zoey) 16:02
songbird (fleetwood mac) 16:48
bonk diddy bonk love (amy & ken & shuggie) 17:25
just a ride 1 (jem) 18:25
watch out, this guy's turning, babe (amy & ken) 18:32
just a ride (jem - intermittant through "watch out" segment)
gotta be willing to look kinda stupid (amy & ken) 21:46
summer rain (u2) 23:44
i'm weak, it's ok (starting over, kelly) 24:43
cranky over snickety (amy & ken) 24:56
let go (frou frou) -- intermittent though cranky segment 26:18
extend my heartstrip, call a truce (amy & ken) 33:19
be still my beating heart (sting) 34:08
fear-driven (amy & byron) 34:55
running up that hill (kate bush) 38:04
got a right to be mad (zoey & leo) 39:45
tubthumping 1 (chumbawamba) 40:20
it's been kind of a long day, man (amy & byron) 40:40
tubthumping 2 (chumbawamba) 41:39
your shadow is where your power is (starting over / iyanla & jodi) 41:56
nothing man 1 (bruce springsteen & the e street band) 41:56
what's under the mask (starting over / iyanla & jodi) 43:20
nothing man 2 (bruce springsteen & the e street band) 44:05
what happens if you are vulnerable? (starting over / iyanla & jodi) 44:26
nothing man 3 (bruce springsteen & the e street band) 44:38
i'm repulsed by my own tone (amy & ken) 44:38
i am what i am (conrad praetzel) 46:54
i got my ass whooped by the baby (amy & ken) 49:08
selina's message (amy) 50:09
it came upon a midnight bok bok (amy) 50:50
got mad and then let it go (amy & ken) 51:06
rescue me (madonna) 51:42
i like everything about me (amy & ken) 52:56
angry any more (ani difranco) 53:10
born to run (amy & ken as zoey & leo) 53:55
total runtime: 54:06
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Radio Wednesday: LOST LETTER

Monday, May 22, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
A Listener's Description of the Show

By sharing the ordinary and observing where it takes them, the show uncovers our hopes, our fears, our confusions and the issues that block us from achieving peace, both within ourselves and in the world at large. In the process of holding a mirror (and a microphone) up to human interaction, Radio Wednesday manages to peer beneath the surface of our lives, gaining a fresh perspective as it peels away surfaces. This exercise in "being here, and being heard" leads to sometimes startling, sometimes hilarious, sometimes painful, but always heartfelt revelations and insights. The show manages to impart a powerful message, one that advocates caring about one another, and that validates the ongoing struggle to heal and to connect.
This window on real people allows us to empathize, to understand how alike we all are. It illustrates how it is possible to face our pain, our confusion, our hurts and our fears and take steps toward resolving, rather than perpetuating conflicts. In it's search for meaning and understanding the show unites us in a supportive effort to gently seek answers and resolutions in a loving and healing way. Yet, we are given the opportunity to accept difficult realities as well. Life can be hard, not all issues are easily resolved. The show illustrates the struggle to come to grips with difficulties and seemingly insurmountable obstacles using the tools at our disposal, sometimes with humor, other times with anger or frustration. Whether we dissolve into tears, or shut ourselves down, whether we mask pain with laughter, lash out at ourselves or others, even whether we believe or not there is always a healing path to take.
Always seeking the loving solution, the non-violent way, even on the violent path, the show demonstrates (shows us rather than tells us) how to reach out, for help. How to be helpful to others. How to facilitate personal growth, and aspire to a happier existence. The format of the show is simplicity itself. Amy, her husband Ken, and their daughter Shuggie, go about their daily lives, eating, driving in the car, talking on the telephone, gurgling at one another, discovering one another, exploring the world around them, laughing, arguing, deciding what to do, asking questions, and in general feeling the range of human emotions, confusions, connections and disconnections as they crop up in daily life.
In an attempt to live loving, supportive, caring lives, and to contribute to the common good, the Radio Wednesday cast of characters open the doors to their lives and their hearts, as they attempt to find a path to personal and communal peace of mind. Ironically the show, in it's view of daily life, makes clear that, in a lot of ways we don't readily see, our daily lives are already much more blissful than we realize. The journey is as important as the destination. Radio Wednesday is most satisfying in it's depiction of a surprisingly blissful daily life carried out in the midst of what often amounts to chaos and confusion. The listener goes along for a deceptively simple yet powerful journey that leaves no one behind as it attempts to navigate, nurture and embrace the individual. In the process, the hope is to create a loving collective through mutual revelation, growth, transcendence, and understanding.